

会议中心总裁Michael J. Sawaya表示:“作为美国顶级会展场馆之一,我们达到甚至超越国家的可持续发展相关标准。可持续发展举措绝不仅限于‘回收废弃物。通过节能减排,我们不仅能助力新奥尔良地区的会展活动实现绿色环保,也能帮助客户实现他们自己的可持续发展目标。”

Increased competitiveness though sustainability

The New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center (NOCC) states that it has made sustainability a top priority and is taking steps to reduce environmental impacts. While the coronavirus pandemic impacted hosting events in 2020, NOCC took advantage of the downtime and made critical facility upgrades that will reduce their environmental footprint, and in turn, help make the facility a leader in sustainable events.

“As one of the top convention centre facilities in the nation, it is crucial that we meet and exceed national standards when it comes to sustainability and environmental impact,” said Michael J. Sawaya, president of the convention centre. “Nowadays, sustainability and eco-friendly practices are significant when it comes to booking future meetings and events, and this goes far beyond ‘just recycling. “

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推荐访问:可持续 疫情 会议中心